You are the average of the five people that you spend most time with

Teaching English - Talking Business. Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday.

Welcome to Motivational Monday.

In today’s newsletter, I want to discuss this quote by motivational speaker Jim Rohn:

You are the average of the five people that you send the most time with

Jim Rohn

We should recognise that we do not necessarily spend the most time with our family or even our friends. The five people we spend the most time with may include work colleagues, classmates, teachers or even people we meet in online communities.

In my opinion, the quote reflects the idea that we absorb habits and influences from those around us. If you spend most of your time with people who do not prioritise exercise, you might find yourself falling into the same routine. Remember, that what is considered ‘normal’ for one group can be very different for another. If your friends have different goals to than you then it might be helpful to connect with others who share your ambitions.

The same applies to studying or even investing. Surrounding yourself with people who value education or financial planning can motivate you to do the same. While the message seems simple, Jim Rohn reminds us of the powerful, often subconscious, impact people in our lives have on us.

My three Key Takeaways from the Quote

  • Spend time with people who have similar goals and ambitions

  • Stay clear of negativity

  • Try and become a guiding light for others

1) Spend time with people who have similar ambitions and goals

Quite simply, it is easier to get fit if you spend time with people into fitness, study well if you spend time with people who aim for top grades and invest if investing is normal in your circle.

2) Stay clear of negativity

Realise that there will be plenty of people who do not understand your goals and the effort that you are putting in to work towards them. Just as positivity makes it easier to achieve your goals negativity will chip away at your confidence and make it harder to achieve your goals.

3) Become a Guiding Light

Can you become a source of inspiration and knowledge for other people? By sharing your tips and insights you become a mentor. Becoming a teacher is an excellent way to reinforce your own understanding.


Jim Rohn’s quote reminds us that the people we surround ourselves with play a significant role in shaping our own lives. By strategically choosing our circle, we can create a powerful support system that propels us towards achieving our dreams.

So, who will you surround yourself with to achieve your goals?

Expression of the Day - Guiding light

Guiding light - noun - a person who is influential or an inspiration to others or who acts as a mentor. The expression comes from the idea of a beacon guiding someone through the dark.

Guide - noun:

  • a book that gives the most important information about a place of subject

  • a person whose job it is to show visitors a place or route

“I recommend you buy a guide (book) to Italy before going there on holiday”

“We hired a guide (person) to take us around Rome”

Do you have any Business English questions?

Please email me and I will do my best to answer them in future newsletters.

Until Wednesday - have a great day!


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