Motivational Monday - What is a goal without a plan?

The Bull and the Bard: Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Hi there,

Welcome to Motivational Monday. In today’s newsletter, I would like to discuss goal setting and time management plus the importance of having a plan!

Achieving Goals: A Guide to Mastering Your English Learning Journey

What is a Goal Without a Plan?

Have you ever thought about this question? If not, take a moment to think about it now.

I am sure that you all have professional and personal goals. Perhaps you want to improve your Business English, confidently navigate international negotiations, and unlock exciting career opportunities. Think of a goal as a desired destination and a plan as the route that gets you there. Without a well-defined plan, your journey can be filled with detours, missed connections, and frustration.

Developing a Plan for Learning English

The beauty of language learning lies in its flexibility. You can tailor your plan to fit your unique schedule and learning style. Here are some key steps to consider:

  1. Define Your Goals: What specifically do you want to achieve with your English language skills?

  2. Set SMART Goals: Make your goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. For example, instead of "Improve my English communication skills," set a goal like "Be able to confidently deliver a presentation in English at the upcoming international conference in 3 months."

  3. Identify Resources: Explore online courses, textbooks, language teachers, and apps that cater to your learning preferences.

Using Time Blocking to Enact the Plan

Now that you have a roadmap, it's time to schedule your learning journey! Time blocking is a powerful technique that involves dedicating specific slots in your calendar exclusively for English practice (or any of your other important goals or tasks). I use time blocking to write these newsletters. Treat these blocks with the same respect you would a client meeting or a board presentation. This not only makes it easy to visualise your commitment but also prevents other tasks from encroaching on your learning time.

Remember that you can be flexible with your time blocks - for example even 15 minutes of studying at lunchtime every day will vastly improve your English!

A Goal Without a Plan is………

American motivational speaker Brian Tracy said that a goal without a plan is just a dream. Remember, even small, consistent efforts add up significantly. By carving out dedicated time slots, no matter how brief, and utilising effective resources, you are actively turning your dream of English fluency into a tangible reality.

What action can you take today to make your goal become a reality?

Word of the Day: Agenda (A False Friend!)

An agenda in English is not the same as a diary. An agenda is a list of points to be discussed at a meeting whereas a diary is a book in which you write future appointments and meetings.

If you ‘keep a diary’ you record what has happened or your thoughts and feelings from the day.

What do you think ‘AOB’ means in point 6? Answer below.

When we talk about our daily schedule we talk about a diary or, more commonly these days, a ‘calendar’ for the digital versions on your computers or smartphones.

Informally, we may use agenda asking about plans:

“What’s on the agenda today?” means “What are your plans for today?”

Answer: AOB stands for Any Other Business and is common at the bottom of agendas.

Do you have any Business English questions?

Please email me and I will do my best to answer them in future newsletters.

Until Wednesday - have a great day!


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