Motivational Monday - The Power of Delayed Gratification

The Bull and the Bard: Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Hi there,

Welcome to Motivational Monday. In today’s newsletter, I want to discuss the concept of delayed or deferred gratification.

Motivational Monday: The Power of Delayed Gratification

What do investing, fitness and education all have in common?

They are all things that we should all do to improve our future selves!

We invest to be wealthier or more financially secure in the future - particularly in retirement when we no longer have an income from work.

We exercise or go to the gym to be healthier, not only today but also in the future.

We often educate ourselves to improve our career prospects and this is particularly important when learning English.

Other similarities:

  • They all require patience

  • They all require a consistent effort over a long period

  • Not doing these things is the ‘easy’ option

  • Ideally, you should start them all when you are young. If not you should start now!

  • They all have an element of delayed or deferred gratification.

What is delayed gratification?

Gratification: the state of feeling pleasure when something goes well for you or when your desires are satisfied; something that gives you pleasure

Let’s examine the opposite of delayed or deferred gratification: instant gratification.  Did you eat an Easter cake or chocolate Easter egg over the Easter holidays? If so, that would be an example of instant gratification - you received pleasure immediately.

In contrast, delayed gratification, also referred to as deferred gratification, is the concept of resisting the temptation of an immediate reward in favour of a larger or more long-lasting reward in the future.

With regard to investing, we choose not to spend money on something today and invest it in the hope of having more money to spend in the future and to become financially secure.

With exercise and education, we can achieve instant and delayed gratification if we enjoy doing them. Some people enjoy doing exercises while others only enjoy it after they have finished. In both cases, further gratification should come by being healthier in the future.

Hopefully, students not only enjoy learning English but also reap the benefits long into the future.

Envisioning your Future self!

The key lies in envisioning or imagining your future self. Who do you want to be? Fit and healthy? Financially secure? Confidently conversing in English? By picturing that future version of yourself – the one who reaps the rewards of your dedication – you fuel your motivation to keep going, even when it can be difficult.

The rewards? They're immense. Imagine the confidence you'll have when you can effortlessly express yourself in English. Picture the doors that will open for you professionally and personally. The same goes for your health and finances. The investment you make today pays dividends in the form of a healthier, more secure future.

The Key Takeaway:

Don't wait for the "perfect time" to start investing in yourself. Start now, no matter how small the step. Embrace the idea of delayed gratification. Focus on the future you're building, and celebrate the small victories along the way.

Remember, every consistent effort you make today is a step closer to becoming the successful, healthy, and confident English speaker you aspire to be.

Word of the Day

Conceal - verb - to prevent something from being seen or known about

“The politicians tried to conceal their links to big business.”

By the way, there is a makeup called ‘concealer’ which is a flesh-coloured cosmetic stick designed to hide blemishes on the skin.


Remember that I will send newsletters on Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week.

Do you have any Business English questions?

Please email me and I will do my best to answer them in future newsletters.

Until Wednesday - have a great day!


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